65 Years of faithful and loving sacramentino mission in the Philippines

A Grateful Looking-back at our Humble Beginning
The presence of the Religious of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament in the Philippines came through the remarkable initiative of His Eminence Rufino Cardinal Santos, then Archbishop of Manila, whose motivation in inviting the Sacramentinos in his diocese was to establish the parish of Sta. Cruz Manila as a National Shrine of the Eucharist.1 This invitation was inclined to recognizing the main charism of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers which is the propagation of Eucharistic devotion.
Thus, the administration of the church of Sta. Cruz officially began on 15th of August 1957. American Sacramentinos were the pioneering religious to form the first community of SSS in the Philippines, who were altogether housed in the Rectory of the Sta. Cruz Parish in Manila.
Until 1993, the SSS Mission in the Philippines was directly administered by the Blessed Sacrament Religious of the American Province of Saint Ann. Then came the establishment of the Philippines as an independent Province under the Marian titular: Province of Our Lady of the Assumption (POLA) in 1993.3 In general principle, the presence of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament in the parishes is to cooperate with the Parish Pastoral Council, placing their consecrated life at the service of the parish community. Through their presence, their life of prayer and pastoral commitment, they reinforce the apostolic thrust of the parish in the measure of their capabilities.
As the SSS Religious immerse their charism and spirituality in the parish, they also introduce lay organizations attached to the ideals of the Congregation, that is, to make the Eucharist become the center of their Christian piety and devotion. To name some of the remarkably SSS-organized group of lay men and women involved in the parish program, they are the: Life in the Eucharist Seminar (LITES), Men’s Eucharistic League (MEL), Women’s Eucharistic League (WEL), Eucharistic Fraternity (EF), Apostles of the Eucharist (AOE), Blessed Sacrament Vocation Club (BSVC)4, Servitium Christi and other organizations related to the promotion of evangelization through the Eucharist.
On August 15 2022, the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament marked its sixty-five (65) years of Eucharistic mission in the Philippines. It is blessed with the flourishing of religious vocation and its collaboration to the Dioceses has extended beyond borders of the Philippine shores. To date, the Filipino Sacramentinos are present in twelve (12) different Dioceses/Archdioceses in the Philippines including Hawaii and Uganda. There are Filipino Sacramentinos at present as well who are in collaboration with the Arch/Dioceses of Canberra and Goulburn in Australia, Pueblo-Colorado and Cleveland-Ohio in USA, and Madrid in Spain. These are all blessings that come with the great responsibility of the Filipino Sacramentinos to strengthen and deepen the love of the faithful to Christ in the Eucharist.

This year 2022, there are eighty-three (83) Perpetually Professed Sacramentinos under Philippine Province. Seventy-seven (77) of which are Ordained Priests, while six (6) of them are Brothers and one (1) Deacon. They are into the many different forms of ministry through which the service of the Congregation for the Church is expressed. Aside from parish administrations, the Sacramentinos also involved in the ministry of chaplains in the universities and colleges, professorial ministry in the seminary schools, ministry to diocesan tribunals, vocation apostolate, ministry on religious formation, and mandated ministries for the direct governance of the SSS Religious in the Philippine province. At present, POLA has eighteen (18) scholastics (temporary professed) and eight (8) Novices and six (6) postulants under formation.
At the center of all Filipino Sacramentinos’ aspiration is to make their presence become an opportunity of bringing the face of Christ into the life of their ministry through the Church for whom they all vowed to serve and to love. Their ministry above all is to draw everyone close to the Real Presence of Christ celebrated and adored in the Eucharist.

The Sacramentino Junior Religious of POLA gathered last July 11- 15, 2022, on their annual permanent religious formation. This year’s gathering was held at Cagayan de Oro City and at the enchanted Island of Camiguin with the theme “Mentoring Brothers among Brothers: Building a More Grounded and Stronger Fraternal Bond.” This program is indeed a wonderful blessing and a concrete expression of SSS brotherhood and unity.

In Psalm 133, the psalmist relates the effects of blessing: unity bestows profound blessings! “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” It is indeed good to see brothers in unity, a good opportunity to be together after not seeing each other for 2 years because of the restrictions of the pandemic, it is an opportune time for sharing of experiences in the ministry and an opening wide for the understanding of mission. Like in the image of the gospel of Luke – the mission and Return of the 72 disciples (Lk. 10:17-20) with joy they come back proclaiming the Good News of joy, success and divine glory. Jesus summoned them and they shared to him that joy of what they have accomplished. Yes, through this gathering we were summoned, to share our joy and to learn more insights. We need to rejoice, not because that we have done remarkable works or worthy of such praise. Rather, we need to rejoice because such achievements in the ministry as well as our setbacks are in fact, evidence that God is the source of power — not us, that we have learned many things, because our Great mentor is no other but the Lord; that we are thankful and will continue to proclaim the joy of serving the Lord to the people we minister. We gathered together so that we will be mentors for one another testifying that our brotherhood is important and essential. We need to spend some time together to assure that we are not alone and that the Lord is near and will always accompany us in our journey.

We spent the days allotted for the gathering with sessions, prayer and liturgical celebrations, recreations and outing. It was a time of holy rest and relax while enjoying each other’s presence. With grateful hearts we are thankful to all our sponsors and benefactors with doors always wide open to receive us, for the overflowing hospitality and food, comfortable accommodations and transportation. In a special way we also want to thank our lay collaborators, friends, and the community of Santuario Eucarístico of CDO. They are people who wish to share their joy, and we shared our joy with them and the result is really amazing. We express our joy and gratitude through these words of D. Huemmer: “Unity provides joy and blessing. The blessings of unity then flow forth in a superabundant way: love, protection, and compassion. From this comes comfort and peace.” For this we are grateful and we rejoice.

After two years since the Covid-19 Pandemic started in the Philippines, the POLA Young Religious were able to gather on September 19 to 22, 2022 at the Carmelite Monastery and Reca’s Private Resort, Angeles City, Pampanga. The group of young religious is deeply grateful to Rev. Fr. Apolinario Ty, SSS for selflessly sharing time to accompany us by serving as the resource person and animator of this year’s Young Religious Annual Gathering. His accompaniment left us thrilled and inspired by the depth of his thought-sharing by animating us on to a fun-filled situational role playing of the typical encounters in living daily our religious vocation. In this manner, our attention is ushered to a deeper understanding that part of our calling is to dialogue with time and culture, and to always center it in Christ’s charity in the name of the Eucharist.
The theme of our gathering is drawn entirely from the inspiration of the universal Church’s direction towards Synodality. Along with that line: “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission” – it points us to recognize the greater challenge for young religious like us to learn and to master the ways of Christ who journeyed with us humbly and attentively listening to men of his time while revealing the greater meaning and purpose of knowing, loving and serving the Lord.

Annual gathering of SSS Young Religious had always been more than fun and recreation. Surely what is there for each is that sincere appreciation for the opportunity to spend time together, sharing and retelling same old stories yet turning more meaningful memories. We are too happy to meet and greet in person as well the kind benefactors and friends of the Carmelite Monastery who wholeheartedly supported us in our needs during this year’s Young Religious Gathering 2022.

Our lone Filipino brother, Jessie Argoncillo, SSS is joined by our two Congolese brothers Ephege Baloula, SSS and Ceti Cesaire Mokukounza, SSS in the Solemn Profession of Perpetual Vows presided by Fr. Roel dela Cruz, SSS (Provincial Superior) on August 21, 2022 and the Rite of Diaconal Ordination the following day, August 22, 2022 presided by His Excellency Most Rev. Honesto Ongtioco D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Cubao at the Chapel of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Provincial House, in Quezon City.
Blessing of the New Altar & Oratory of the POLA Mission Station in Baguio City

On the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, September 15, 2022, the Retablo and Altar of the Oratory of the POLA Mission Station Building in Baguio City was completed and blessed with its solemn dedication to Mary Mother of God. The rite of blessing was presided by the Provincial Superior, Fr. Roel dela Cruz, SSS. This humble occasion was delighted by the presence of good benefactors in the Congregation, Mrs. Yolanda Purugganan and Mrs. Aurora Dunca and friends. The completion of the oratory owes gratitude as well to the initiative of Fr. Tedley Villanueva, SSS who also did minor renovations in the building-interiors in order to fit the basic requirements of religious community structure.

Fr. Alde Bureros, SSS

The Provincial Superior, Fr. Roel and the Provincial Treasurer, Fr. Alde visited the Filipino SSS religious United States, particularly in the Dioceses of Honolulu and Pueblo, and in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe on July 7 to 25, 2022 particularly in Hawaii, Pueblo Colorado, and Albuquerque New Mexico. The trip mainly focused on assessing the communities present in these dioceses as well as paying personal audience and courtesy call with the three (3) bishops concerned.

The first stop was in Honolulu and they met Bishop Clarence “Larry” Richard Silva, DD. The Bishop conveyed to the entire Congregation his deep appreciation to the continuing presence of the SSS in the Diocese. There are three parishes that the Congregation is administering namely: (i) Mary, Star of the Sea, Honolulu with Fr. Frankie Delos Reyes, sss as the Pastor and Fr. Victor Diolata, Jr., sss as Parochial Vicar; (ii) St. Joseph, Hilo with Fr. Lito Hitosis, sss as Parish Administrator and Fr. Ferdinand Tomo, sss as Vicar to the Parish Administrator; (iii) St. Theresa, Mountain View with Fr. Samuel Loterte, sss as Pastor. Visiting these parishes and their attached communities was so uplifting that amidst the challenges in this time and age, gradually and by God’s grace, regular parish and community activities and schedules are steadily taking their place and in right direction. Encounters also with some of the parishioners, parish leaders, and volunteers were filled with hope and inspiration. Their testimonies from the pandemic experience in their life of faith are valued as God’s providence and signs of vibrant eucharistic community.

After one week in Hawaii, they proceeded to Pueblo Colorado for another week-long visit to the communities and the local ordinary. Bishop Stephen Jay Berg, DD together with POLA COUNCIL’S ANIMATION: HAWAII, PUEBLO and NEW MEXICO Fr. Alde Bureros, SSS In Honolulu, Hawaii, USA with the Most Rev. Larry Silva, D. D. With the Archbishop of Sta. Fe, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, Most Rev. John Wester, D.D. Most Rev. Stephen Berg, D.D. Bishop of the Diocese of Pueblo Colorado, USA with Frs. Roel, Alde & Mark 11 Rev. Fr. Derrek Scott (Vicar General) and Rev. Fr. Stephen Olamulo (Vicar for clergy) were so kind in welcoming this visit and expressed their happiness and appreciation to the SSS presence in his diocese. The Bishop expressed his desire to expand further the work of collaboration with the SSS. The sharing of experiences among SSS Religious assigned in Pueblo, Colorado during the community meeting with the presence of Fr. Roel and Fr. Alde was enriching. Albeit the missionary challenges in the ministry, still they are determined to uphold the Eucharistic mission in the said Diocese while banking on the firm support of Bishop Berg and the whole Diocese. Further, the presence of Filipino SSS sisters in the Diocese of Pueblo is a significant factor as regards to the community life of the Sacramentino religious in Pueblo. The Filipino culture of hospitality, sharing, and camaraderie is intensified with the sisters’ creativity and generosity.

Currently there are five parishes entrusted to the Congregation for administration: (i) St. Mary’s Help of Christians Parish in Pueblo Colorado with Fr. Mark del Rosario as Pastor; St. Pius X Parish in Pueblo Colorado with Fr. Zaldy Norba as Pastor; Holy Family Parish in Pueblo Colorado with Fr. Peter John Abogado as Parish Administrator; St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Rocky Ford Colorado with Fr. Joel Lasutaz as Parish Administrator; Our Lady of Guadalupe & St. Patrick Catholic Church in La Junta Colorado with Fr. Joseph Matitu as Parish Administrator. The Eucharistic spirit continues to grow in these parishes through the animation of the SSS religious by initiating various activities like adoration, Liturgy of the Hours, Recollections and Retreats among others. It was also a happy occasion that on July 21st 2022, Fr. Lito Hitosis (who travelled from Hawaii to Pueblo) and Fr. Joseph Matitu celebrated their 25th sacerdotal anniversary. Joining them in the celebration was Fr. Juancho Ramos coming all the way from Cleveland.
Another time was also arranged by Fr. Roel and Fr. Alde to visit Albuquerque, New Mexico under the Archdiocese of Sta. Fe. Through the kindness of Fr. Jun Bugas, a Filipino priest of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Fr. Roel dela Cruz, Fr. Alde Bureros, with Fr. Mark del Rosario, Fr. Lito Hitosis, Fr. Joel Lasutaz were generously assisted in visiting the historical churches in the Archdiocese including the St. Charles Borromeo Church formerly administered by the SSS Province of Saint Ann, USA. With much reminiscing, moving around the compound and the church’s interior was like a “feeling at home” moment especially that the images of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and St. Peter Julian Eymard are still enthroned in a conspicuous place inside the church. At the chancery, the Bishop himself Most Reverend John C. Wester, D.D. was happy to meet the SSS visiting priests with their courteous and unassuming gestures. With certainty the Bishop looks forward for a fruitful future collaboration between POLA
Prayer for the 9th POLA Chapter
17-22 October 2022

Gracious Father | who has gifted the Church with the Eucharist | to be her source of hope and strength | especially as she prepares to take the path of Synodality – we thank You.
Our Sacramentino hearts are also filled with gratitude | for all the graces and blessings | poured out upon our communities | especially these past few years of crisis.
Grant that the Divine Spirit of Your love | in the Sacrament of our Lord’s Gift of Self | likewise accompany us, the SSS Province of Our Lady of the Assumption | as we prepare for the 9th Provincial Chapter.
Like St. Peter Julian Eymard | with our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament as our inspiration and model | may we keep alive the desire and commitment | “to work at building a world | founded in justice and love | so that the Reign of Christ may come |and Your glory be revealed to the world.” (ROL #102)
For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours, now and forever. Amen.