The Asia-Oceania Conference once again took up the idea of a common project between the different Provinces in Asia-Australia to establish an SSS presence in another Asian country.
Malaysia was the country initially considered by the previous Conference. But after learning of the enormous difficulties in carrying out the project there, other countries were considered.
Fr. Jegaraj Hari Joseph, SSS, who was confirmed President of the Asia-Oceania Conference, will explore the possibilities in Singapore, Indonesia and Taiwan, with serious consideration to vocation recruitment.
This initiative of the Conference does not prevent any Asian Province to establish a foundation of its own in Asia and even to ask for help from other Asian Provinces.
Deepening Eymardian Eucharistic Spirituality
Fr. Dilan was asked to more fully develop the framework for the three-month program of preparation for SSS formators that he presented at the Conference.
During the discussion of the program, the Conference approved the following:
- The program can be given in three straight months (as originally intended) by a team of SSS experts. These experts, young and old, can come from different continents, not only Asia-Oceania.
- The program can also be given to those not necessarily involved in formation – both professed religious and seminarians.
- The SSS experts can be distributed in the different Provinces or even to the different communities of a particular Province to give simultaneous lectures.
- The following SSS can be considered to comprise the team of lecturers – Frs. Dilan Fernando, Justin Chawkan, Sagara Jayamanne, Vergel Dalangin, Andrē Guitton, Manuel Barbiero, Tony McSweeney, Norman Pelletier, Joseph Ai, Paul Vu, Poli Ty, Gnanasekar Paul Raj, Ultharianathan Arokiasamy, Jegaraj Joseph, Eugenio Martins and Martin Tine.
- The academic inputs can be put on the internet for easy access by others (although the three-month formation for possible formators must be done in person).
International Program of Preparation for Perpetual Profession (IP4)
The Asia-Oceania Conference agreed to hold IP4 this 2016. Since it is impossible to gather all those who will be preparing for their perpetual profession from the different Provinces of Asia-Australia for the three-month duration of the IP4, the following special arrangement was made:
- For the first half of the three-month period of preparation, the ‘perpetualists’ from Australia, India, Philippines and Sri Lanka will be together in the Philippines from April 15 to May 31 (one and half months). Then in the second half from June 1 to July 15 (one and half months), the program will continue in the Philippines with the candidates from Australia, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. This means that those from India will go back to their country after the first half and those from Vietnam will join the rest for the second half. However, the exact duration will entirely depend on how many days are allowed for the foreigners visiting the Philippines. It will not be practical to apply for a two-year residency as it will surely be very expensive.
Ongoing Formation
The pilgrimage to the birth place of the Founder and other Eymardian sites as part of the ongoing formation of religious especially those who have reached their jubilees will just be handled by each Province.
Guidelines for the Asia-Oceana Provinces
Fr. Dilan was tasked to draft a set of guidelines for the use of modern gadgets for both the seminarians and professed religious. He will attempt to synthesize the different materials that will be sent to him by the other Provincials.
The Asia-Oceania Provincials also felt the need for more specific guidelines to make more effective the animation of their respective provinces. Each Provincial will work on certain aspect until the end of April 2016. The following are the Provincials and their area of work:
Fr. Dilan – Guidelines for Formators
Fr. Jo – Guidelines for Superiors
Fr. Jegaraj – Guidelines for Pastors
Fr. Joseph M. – Guidelines for Finance
Fr. Tro – Guidelines for the Aggregation of the Blessed Sacrament
Concerns of Fr. General
- The request to accommodate African Scholastics in the Asian Scholasticates was received with open minds by the Provincials especially those from India, Philippines and Sri Lanka. Nonetheless, it was suggested, and agreed upon, to wait for the details of the request that will come from Fr. Martin Tine, the consultor in charge of Formation. The details will be available in September 2016.
On the request for reinforcement especially for Friedland, Paris, this was seriously considered, though the main challenge really is the French language. Moreover, the hope is that the reinforcing religious will be bringing with them the needed creativity to attract more people to the chapel in Friedland. Similar to the above concern, the suggestion was to wait; however, it may take some time for the details to become available.
Message of Fr. General
At the conclusion of the Asia-Oceania Conference, Fr. General, Eugenio Barbosa Martins, proposed two points for further reflection not only of the Provincials but especially of their respective Provinces. They are as follows:
- The use of parish ministry for other Eucharistic apostolates. Our Rule of Life specifies different Eucharistic apostolates. Thus, the SSS mission is not only confined in parochial ministry. It is a given fact that the appointed and installed SSS pastor should take care of his parish. But what of the other community members? Fr. General proposes that they engage in a more active promotion of the Eucharist and Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament especially by giving talks and seminars like the Life in the Eucharist Seminar (LITES) and organizing the Aggregation of the Blessed Sacrament. The pastor should support and allow the use of parochial resources to intensify the Eucharistic apostolates. This is so because our best contribution not only to the parish but to the entire diocese is our Eucharist charism, spirituality and concrete Eucharistic apostolates.
- To find the link between prayer and mission. Not only part but at the very center of the SSS mission is prayer – celebration of the Eucharist and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Like Fr. Eymard who derived his mission from his life of prayer, we who are sons of Fr. Eymard must get the inspiration for our mission, Eucharistic endeavors and Eucharistic apostolates from our life of prayer. When prayer becomes more intense it will be flow into fruitful actions.
- Jon, Israel and Ronel as they prepare for their Priestly Ordination on February 13, 2016
- For the sick members of the Congregation and respective members of the families of our religious