The Newly Reconstructed POLA Provincialate House and Chapel

In 2019, the Provincialate House of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, Province of Our Lady of the Assumption, which is endearingly called POLA House, turned 62 years old. As a residential structure built in 1957, its strength has not remained the same, and simple repairs are not viable options. In this view, it was found timely to rebuild the Provincialate House.
Fused by the sentiments of old and new things to come together, the building project that was approved is called: “PROVINCIALATE HOUSE RECONSTRUCTION: A 3-Storey Residential Building” with its owner registered as Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament – Philippines. Going by the design, a number of good old portions of the House are retained and redesigned to express more visibly the marks of Religious House structure. And going by the work of reconstruction was not motivated by plain sentimentality. House Reconstruction is relevant in understanding our past, appreciating our present and reconciling us altogether into our aspirations for the future of our ministries.
This work of reconstruction which commenced on the 16th of September 2019 now brings to our sight the matter of our prayers and aspirations: the Newly Reconstructed Provincialate House. Benedictus Deus in aeternum! (Blessed be God forever!)

The Solemn Rite of Blessing and Dedication of the Newly Reconstructed POLA Provincialate House and Chapel on March 18, 2022 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, presided by the Most Rev. Sofronio A. Bancud, SSS, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Cabanatuan.

Benedictus Deus!
Our story of the Divine Providence
Provincial Development Office

What everyone will definitely hear from us in this great undertaking of reconstructing the Provincialate House and Chapel must be the beautiful story of God’s blessings unfolding since day one of the project down to the remaining period of its completion. Ours is a story of trusting in God and being favored by God. As a Congregation, we are aware that the sources of funding for this project had always been our point of fear and uncertainties. We only had a minimal budget to begin with so to speak. But the need came calling us to reconstruct now or never. Hence, we entrusted all our efforts into the very hands of God; we put together our humble means and beg God to enrich them; and we prayed together for God’s constant direction. For everything that has been, in whatever situation we all went through as a province running this project for almost three years – God’s love never failed! Blessed be God forever!

Like any building project, we encountered many forms of trying times, not to mention the coming of the Covid -19 pandemic which left a great portion of our initiatives into unthinkable levels of paranoia. But God sustained our spirits in good shape. We did not see the pandemic as a sign from God to stop all initiatives related to the reconstruction project. We rather recognized the pandemic as an opportunity to strengthen our sense of duty and focus on helping others according to our humble capacities. We stopped several times due to mandatory lockdowns caused by the pandemic. We slowed down in progress for many times as well because of many factors affecting resources, time and availability, technical challenges, health of workers and management of the project. But all the stresses and tensions coming from these situations were not enough to discourage our resolve to take every step slowly yet completely believing that God is in control and God will bring into fruition every good work He has begun in us. Blessed be God forever !

Challenges and difficulties in the working progress of this project are simply bearable because God gave us the right company of persons who journeyed with us closely in almost 3 years. Our congregation is indebted to many people who humbled us for their sincere generosity.

Our Congregation is grateful foremost to SEARCON Incorporated, being the Project General Contractor headed by Arch. Sonny Refuerzo. We are not simply thankful for the professional assistance of SEARCON but also appreciate sincerely the guidance, patience and the many learnings we gathered from the excellence of its work. The same gratitude to ANG-COR Construction, headed by Engr. Manuel Corpuz who provided generous assistance for this project by serving as our Procurement Contractor in the whole run of our undertaking. It is the congregation’s hope and prayer for both SEARCON Inc. and ANG-COR Construction to continue building friendship that looks beyond career and business.

We are deeply grateful to God for sending us generous benefactors and friends blessed with sensitivities to the special needs of this project of reconstructing the Provincialate House. Certainly, benefactors do not need our gratitude, but each time we say “thank you” we only love to remind the goodness of their hearts for the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. God knows the extent of their sacrifices and self-giving. May they be blessed with something more to glorify the Lord!
Because there is so much love in the giving that there are bigger blessings coming in return. Blessed be God forever!

To all our Filipino Sacramentino Fathers and Brothers from the different local communities here and abroad, thank you for all kinds of help you constantly shared for the province in order to accomplish this great project of rebuilding our own house. Your efforts needless to say are real assurances of your warmth to belong in this family of St. Peter Julian Eymard, our Holy Founder.
Sincerest appreciation and gratitude to the members of the POLA Provincial Council headed by Fr. Roel dela Cruz, sss. We commend such faith and determination of the council which humble aspiration is to bring all Sacramentinos at home to the embrace of this newly reconstructed Provincialate house, with hopes of living up further our fraternal charity and faith in the goodness of God.

Special thoughts of love and gratitude we offer to St. Joseph, known in the tradition of our Holy Founder, to be an effective intercessor in our great needs in the building of new house for our early communities as a Congregation. We offer the same honor and praise to St. Joseph being the first to provide for the human needs of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Mary, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, we continue to entrust our vocation, our life and our mission. To our Holy Founder, St. Peter Julian Eymard we rely for unceasing help. Forever we are grateful, to the one and triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Benedictus Deus, in aeternum! (Blessed be God forever!)

At last, we’re gathered! THE POLA ANNUAL RETREAT 2022

What every Filipino Sacramentino long for yearly is the gathering for the Provincial Annual Retreat. Not only it is a moment of spiritual exercises, but also a chance to recreate and share personal time to listen, to affirm and to assure one another of the lively sentiments of fraternal charity. The excitement is doubled since the long wait is over due to restrictions caused by the pandemic. Thanks God everyone is blessed healthy and happy seeing each face-to-face, dining together in fellowship, playing with ultimate joy and fun, taking all best chances of rest and above all intimately celebrating and adoring the Eucharist together.
The Philippine Province is grateful to the Most Rev. Bartolome G. Santos, Jr., D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Iba, Zambales for serving as the Retreat Master for this year’s POLA Annual Retreat.

In every annual retreat, the most beautiful thing to behold is the gathering of ourselves, seeking to renew our spirit of self-giving, strengthening our sense of gift, and offering them once more for consecration and for the praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His Holy Church.

April 29 – 30, 2022

As the POLA Annual retreat culminated on the 28th of April, the Provincial Assembly took place immediately the next two days (April 29-30, 2022). The assembly as intended, is to present the state of the province through the different commission reporting from each member of the Council (Apostolate, Lifestyle, Formation, International Collaboration, Finance and Governance) and to give every religious the opportunity to share, clarify and express related views and sentiments. At the same time, the assembly signaled the immediate preparation of the province for the upcoming Provincial Chapter to be held in October this year 2022. The letter of convocation then was read at its culmination by the Provincial Superior, Fr. Roel dela Cruz, sss.
30 April 2022

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament
Province of Our Lady of the Assumption, Philippines
Beloved Brothers,
Greeting you all the Peace of Easter!
As a Province, we need to continue discerning forms and opportunities of loving and serving the Lord and
His Church through our Eucharistic charism. It is time once again to gather ourselves and conform our hearts
faithfully to the goals of our Holy Founder with our gift of self that is born of the Eucharist.
Hence, with the consent of my Council, I OFFICIALLY CONVOKE THE 9TH ORDINARY
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER of the Province of Our Lady of the Assumption from October 17 to 22, 2022
at the Provincialate House, #20 Eymard Drive, New Manila, Quezon City.
Let this letter of convocation prepare everyone through prayer, reflection and sincere dialogue with one
another. For this Provincial Chapter, we are called to adapt continuously the Message of the 35th General
Chapter and a direction based on the theme of the Universal Church: “For a Synodal Church: Communion,
Participation, Mission.”
It is my fervent prayer that all our preparations and initiatives for this Chapter be blessed with God’s
unwavering love. In Christ, our Bread of Life, I remain

To the Lord of the harvest, praise forever!
Meet the Newly Ordained Sacramentino Priests

Our brothers: EPHEGE JEAL D. BALOULA, SSS and CETI CESAIRE BANSIMBA MOUKANZA, SSS from the Region Cardinal Emile Biayenda – Congo Brazaville, Province of St. John the Baptist – Canada, joined the Scholasticate Formation Program in the Philippines and completed on May 28, 2022 their Master of Arts in Theology Major in Pastoral Ministry from the CICM Mary Hill School of Theology, Quezon City, Philippines.